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The maths department at Litherland High School is an experienced team of maths specialists. 

Students have either 3 or 4 lessons per week and are set homework weekly on Sparx Maths.

At KS3, our curriculum focusses on key concepts and mathematical ideas.

We aim for all our students to develop a deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths, regardless of their starting point.

By KS4, we want to produce resilient young people who can work independently, think logically, communicate and reason mathematically and problem solve in all areas of the curriculum.

We recognise the importance and value of secure numeracy skills and number sense. We seek to develop our students fluidity and flexibility with number, whilst improving their mental mathematics and giving them the tools and strategies they may need in different situations. Students follow the Edexcel GCSE specification'


At LHS, Maths homework is set on Sparx Maths. It is set on a weekly basis, based on the topics that have recently been covered in class.

Sparx is an exciting online platform that offers every student personalised maths homework. Homework should take approx one hour to complete - this can be done in one go or in small chunks.

An automatic email will be sent to parents each Sunday afternoon to let them know whether their student has completed their homework for that week.

Computers are available to use in school (before and after school) and at break/lunchtimes after prior arrangement with their teacher.

Further information about this move can be found on Class Charts and a short video on the platform can be found here.